Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seven Weeks!

March 27, 2012

Current weight: 175.0

Current measurements: Unknown.

Woohoo! I've finished 6 weeks of workouts and have started my 7th week. I feel like working out has become a way of life for me now. I've never felt as strong or confident in myself. It's really amazing! I have my 6 week progress pictures which you can see below. Yesterday was tons of push ups and abs. I felt amazing yesterday because the first week I did the abs workout there were certain moves I could not even do 1 of unassisted. Now, I can do 25 and have moved up to the advanced version of those moves. It's crazy!

Today MT called and had to cancel the session so instead of taking a day off, I went ahead and did our planned workout anyway. I did the Navy Seals workout from last Tuesday and then at the end I ran for about 5 minutes. Not too long, but I wanted my workout to be at least 30 minutes. Today's workout was short because I did not have abs to do. We're getting back on track tomorrow but I feel like I honestly could be motivated enough to continue on doing this on my own now. I have not felt like this before and it's a really good feeling.

Here are the progress pictures as promised. The only one I really see a difference in is my back.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Boxing Day - Take 2

March 22, 2012

Current weight: 175.0

Current measurements:
Right thigh: 23.5"
Left thigh: 23.75"
Waist: 32.5"
Chest: 36.75"
Left biceps: 12.25"
Right biceps: 12.5"
Hips: 40"

Today was exciting because I fit into some pants I bought months ago before our move to Texas and have never been able to wear - until today! I can definitely see and feel a difference today in how I look. I am down over 15" from when I started this journey almost 6 weeks ago. It's amazing. I told my trainer that once I get down to the 160s he owes me a beach workout! I am so excited to get there. Only 6 more pounds to go.

Today we boxed again. Last week we added kicks into our boxing routine so now it's really tiring. My trainer (MT) told me I throw something like 1500 punches during this workout. It's a killer. I have been trying to get through it as fast as I can the last few times we've done it (every Thursday) because it's hard and I want it to be over! Haha :) Today it only took me about 40 minutes to get through the whole thing and I was really impressed with myself. No abs today. Tomorrow is legs and back (and abs). That workout is a killer so I'm going to try not to think about it until tomorrow. Tomorrow is also end of week 6 pictures! Hopefully I can see a difference in them from week 1...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Killin' It - Navy Seals Style

March 20, 2012

Current weight: 175.2
Measurements from 03/19/12:
Right thigh: 24.25"
Left thigh: 24.75"
Waist: 32.75"
Chest: 37"
Left biceps: 12.5"
Right biceps: 12.75"
Hips: 41"

Current total weight loss: 6.4 pounds
Total inches lost: 12

Last week we started a new program. It's the same idea: Monday is chest, shoulders, and triceps (aka LOTS of push-ups). Tuesday is running/plyo, Wednesday is arms, Thursday is boxing, and Friday is swimming or legs and back. The workouts have stepped it up a couple of notches and are crazy hard. The first week (week 5, last week) I couldn't even do 1 one-handed push up with my legs fully extended; this week I did 6. I can definitely see the progress. I feel much, much stronger than when I started. Last week we did not get to do our swimming workout so we will see if we do it this week. Today I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do because we had horrible weather and it was pouring down rain, thundering, etc. So I figured we wouldn't be running (since we do this outside). I thought we must be doing plyo, but when I showed up for my workout, my trainer had a surprise for me: His Navy Seal buddy had come over and agreed to train me for the day! I was nervously excited about this when I heard the news. I felt like it would be an amazing challenge and opportunity but there was no doubt in my mind I was in for some pain!

We did a workout that consisted of 6 moves done 3 times each in 30 second intervals. You do the move for 30 seconds, rest for 45 seconds and repeat 2 more times. Then you move on to the next move. Do this for all 6 moves and then you're done. It sounds pretty easy until you do it. The jump squats were definitely my least favorite part of the workout. I impressed myself, though, because I was not only able to complete the entire workout without stopping, but I also went and did a little bit more than they told me to do. It felt amazing to be able to do this workout knowing there was no way I could have done it 6 weeks ago. I hope we incorporate more of this workout style in the future, maybe on Tuesdays instead of running (which I am not a fan of!). Since I never shared them, here are my end of week 4 pictures. I will be taking more updated pictures at the end of this week for my 6 week progress pictures. This is the first week where I have really felt like I look different so I am excited to share in just 3 more days!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Recovery"... Mwahahaha

March 5, 2012

Current weight: Unsure

I did not take measurements today.

Well, today was the first day of my "recovery" week. I suppose it was a little easier in that it was only about a 40 minute workout today. But we boxed today and built on a little bit to what we did last week. According to my trainer, we are going to box 3 times this week and do tons of core work the other 2 days. So tomorrow begins core work day 1. I got a preview of one of the things we're going to do next week which involves working out in the swimming pool and frankly it seems CRAZY hard. But I've been so impressed with the things I've been able to do thus far that I'm sure I will surprise myself in this, too. And just for fun, here is a picture of me and my daughter on the beach today:

Friday, March 2, 2012

Another one bites the dust

March 2, 2012

Current weight: 179.0
Right thigh: 25"
Left thigh: 24.75"
Waist: 34.25"
Chest: 38.75"
Right biceps: 13"
Left biceps" 12.5"
Hips: 41.75"

Total inches lost: 7
Total pounds lost: 2.6

Well, another week in the books! Today was legs and back and holy cow! Every day I don't think I could sweat any more than the day before and then I prove myself wrong again and again. I could have wrung out my shirt by the end of this workout. It was SO hard!

I was able to do modified abs today, so instead of doing 25 of each of the 11 moves, I did 10. It felt really good to be back at doing abs. I was afraid I would have lost some of the progress I made since I hadn't done abs in a while, but I was even stronger than when I quit. That was really encouraging.

I also lost weight today! I'm still not back to my lowest but making progress. As long as I'm trending downward I'm happy. The effort I put in this week showed and I feel great. I get the weekend off to recover and then we start week 4 which is called the "recovery" week. I'm guess it's going to be really hard like the rest, but in a different way. Time will tell! Part of me wants to run tomorrow but I'm not sure if I should give myself 2 days of rest or not. Guess I'll decide tomorrow...

Boxing Day

March 1, 2012

Current weight: 180.4

Measurements are the same as yesterday.

I was feeling a bit frustrated to see my weight go up again this morning, but again, I am trying to use that as motivation to work harder.

Today, my trainer had a surprise for me. No yoga!! Instead we boxed for an hour. That is a crazy fun and crazy hard workout! I seriously loved it. I told him to feel free to swap yoga for boxing anytime.

I'm hoping tomorrow I see some change but if not, I'll just keep at it. My arms and definitely looking/feeling stronger. Now to get some inches/weight off my stomach and thighs...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm a Maniac, Maniac

February 29, 2012

Current weight: 179.4
Right thigh: 24.5"
Left thigh: 25"
Waist: 34.5"
Chest: 39.5"
Right biceps: 12.5"
Left biceps: 12.5"
Hips: 41.75"

I was a bit frustrated this mornign when I woke up and weighed myself only to gain wait this morning. AGAIN. Not sure what else to do at this point so instead of giving up I decided to let it movtivate me to work even harder in the gym. I wasn't sure if is was possible but I kicked butt today. Today was shoulders and arms and this workout felt amazing. I was curling 15-20 pounds and one time I even did 4 curls with 30 pounds just to see if I could! I did 50 triceps exercises on each arm, too. Ouch! I felt super energized at the end of this workout. Arms is definitely my favorite day. I had to skip abs again today because I did 2 moves and it hurt my strained ab a little so we'll try again on Friday. My traininer suggested to get some of this belly weight off I start running in addition to our workouts so I think I might start that tomorrow. I forgot to ask how long/fast I should be running.

Tomorrow is yoga day (blech). I only have 2 more days until I've got 3 weeks down! I'm so impressed with myself and doing things I never would have thought I could do 3 weeks ago. Today was definitely a win.